This is a matter wisely instituted by our ancestors, so that students of the fine arts, academic investigations have been properly completed, it was honorable to ask for his industry and learning, as a witness. Therefore, when accomplished, Mary Henry Charles Gussenhoven
nat us in the city Amslelodami
laws academic satisfaction and the highest honors in their own learning now agreed maintained, we would help the cause of a reputable, with some of its findings in the literature at the question, then he heard that the defendant lip inscription
On the grammar and Semantics of Sentence Accents
theseque annexed to this little book.
And on this question, and that such a defense in his relationship, he would take care of the teaching and that we are approved of it, is due to the testimony of a compliment that he would gladly give it. Therefore, by the authority granted us the same Charles Henry and Mary Gussenhoven
DOCTOREM solemn ceremony in honor legitimately elected and proclaimed the right to approve any law or custom created docori or a tribe. In this regard, the firm has witnessed a major university diploma is confirmed, sealed, delivered her care. Given the Noviomagi 25 m. from June. 1984