Not many Things have Been Said in the books of our Fathers of the Huns. THESE are savage and ferocious. Terrible SEEM to want to arouse Fear in others. So after consulting with Their Faces Were Wounded. After the Wounds have healed, the Scars REMAIN , Because They CAN not Grow a beard. The form does not is very beautiful, BUT with a Terrible! the Roots of the Plants, for People from the Country THESE Were Overcome, They Eat the Flesh, and of Living Creatures, Which is not Worn BUT it is boiled for a while. for the Flesh, before he is eaten up from Them, is situate BETWEEN the Horse and His Thighs of a person who is sitting upon the Horse, and there for a Short time Remains. Casas They have not, and yet They Live, BUT They Live Outside. the Skins of Animals, Wear Clothes made out. Always REMAIN Horses and Stay on the Same, by Horses, They Eat, sleep and Stay on Horses, in Horses: BUT of the universe . They charge the Enemy with All Speed, They CAN hold, and the snares of whom I have Often Been Captured in the Battle by the Sword, kill each other.